Wednesday, November 30, 2011

15 months!

Yep- my little guy is 15 freaking months!  He is growing and challenging me more every day.  This last month has been particularly difficult with all the sickness and the major stressor of my final exam.  Oh, and L showed me what tantrums can REALLY look like- lets just say there can be lots of hitting, screaming, kicking, and not a lot of sleeping or hugging.

I think a lot of L's frustration comes from being so smart (yes I am that kind of mom) and understanding so much more but still not being able to express it or execute it himself.  His vocabulary is growing and he has these new babble sounds that I adore- they are sweet and pluck my heart strings just like his first coos.

Our little guy also speaks broken Slovak- thanks to mama not knowing much and babka only able to teach him when she is around.  But seriously this guy doesn't really know the english words for a few things...and I like it that way.

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