Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Taking things back...

In my most unprofessional moment of my adult life...I retracted my resignation on Monday.  So basically I broke up with my work and got back together with them the next day- well next business day.  Something about becoming a mom has made me incredibly messy. Not that I was controlled and perfect before- but now I can't even pretend I have it together if I really don't!  It's freeing and frustrating.

It boils down to this- I'm not ready to give up my career, I have it pretty good- a 4 day work week, only 3 of those days L is in daycare, I see him every daycare day at lunch, and this is the STUPIDEST time to quit with D starting out freelancing.  In the next few weeks I will sending in my application to sit for my licensing exam and become a full MFT (Marriage and Family Therapist).  I have been working toward this for a long time.

So in an effort to make working and parenting a little bit more balanced- D and I are going to use some of the income I bring home to have a weekly cleaning service.  This wont solve the loads of diapers or bottle/pump parts I do regularly- cause rally,I doubt a cleaning service wants to wash poopy diapers and clean tiny plastic pieces covered in breast milk...but it will allow me more time with L and D instead of cleaning the rest of the house.

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